The Truth Quest Podcast

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Ep. 225 - The Truth About November 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
The month of November, 2022 will largely be remembered for the mid-term election where the Republicans won the national popular vote by some six million votes yet they barely took back the House of Representatives and the Senate remained gridlocked.
We also had evidence of the Democratic Party's laundering of campaign funds through a, now defunct, cryptocurrency exchange.
Elon Musk continued to make liberals' heads explode as he moved Twitter back to the free speech platform it once was.
The economy continued to suck; inflation continued to rise; Fauci continued to lie; Biden continued to cow-tow to the Chinese and we narrowly averted World War III over a couple of stray missiles in Poland.
Show Notes
Truth Quest Podcast
Episode #167 - The Truth About Ivermectin
Episode #214 - The Truth About the Secret Ivermectin Miracle - Uttar Pradesh
Episode #221 - The Truth About October 2022 - The Month Elon Musk Became the Most Hunted Man in America
Episode #222 – The Truth About the Rescission of the First Amendment
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Order a copy of one of my books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble and BitChute.
Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Ep. 62 - The Truth About Gold and Sound Money
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Most people are aware of inflation. They expect the cost of products and services to go up every year. What these same people may not be aware of is the fact that this perpetual inflation is completely unnecessary.
If the United States had a sound money policy, meaning the U.S. Dollar was pegged to gold (on a gold standard) most of the angst around monetary policy, interest rates, the national debt, out of control government spending, inverted yield curve, negative interest rates, and cryptocurrencies would be nothing but noise.
In this episode we examine the history of a gold standard. We scrutinize actions taken by FDR, Nixon, the Federal Reserve and their impact on the worldwide economy. The bottom line is, because the gold standard constrains the spending of our overlords in Washington, D.C., they will never willingly revert back to that standard. Unfortunately the United States is in for a rude awakening as other countries have started accumulating gold reserves as a way to diversify away from the U.S. Dollar's reserve currency status.
Show Notes:
Think Bitcoin is the New Gold 2.0 - Think Again
The Gold Standard
Your Move Gold Critics, Please Explain What Money Is
In Dismissing the Gold Standard, John Cochrane Channels Tina Fey
Central Banks of Gold Buying Spree Over Dollar Worries
Central Banks are Buying Gold Fastest Pace in Six Years
Russia, China Continue Massive Substitution of Dollar Assets into Gold
In Money We Trust: Documentary
Funding the Monster State: FDR, Nixon versus the Gold Standard
Alan Greenspan: Ron Paul Was Right About the Gold Standard
Ron Paul's Appearance on Judge Napolitano's Fox Show
Truth Quest Podcast Episodes:
Episode #27- The Truth About the Federal Reserve: An Introduction
Episode #28 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve: The Results
Episode #56 - The Truth About Libra - Facebook's Cryptocurrency
APMEX: Buy Gold and Siver
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on The Truth Quest Podcast Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon, and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Ep. 56 - The Truth About Libra - Facebook's Cryptocurrency
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Facebook’s recent congressional testimony before the House Financial Services Committee regarding their proposed cryptocurrency, Libra, caught my attention. It got me wondering: where in the Constitution does it grant the federal government the power to regulate a cryptocurrency or a social media platform? I posed that question on the Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page and immediately started researching this episode.
The truth is that cryptocurrencies in general and the Libra specifically pose a threat to many entities - central banks, power hungry government officials, and too-big-to-fail banks.
In this episode I explain what Libra is and examine the threat posed by it and other cryptocurrencies. Along the way we discuss the benefits of cryptocurrencies, congressional overreach, sound money, central banks and the concept of private money.
Show Notes:
Libra White Paper
Libra House Hearing
G7 Urges Strict Libra Regime, Eyes Minimum Tax
Alternative Currencies Such as Bitcoin are a Valuable Insurance Policy Against Feckless Government
Does Libra Threaten Monetary Sovereignty?
Why This Economist is Skeptical of Facebook's Grandiose Claims About the Libra
Why Facebook's New Cryptocurrency is No Threat to Bitcoin
Libra: Competitor to Inflationary Central Banks
Facebook's Fake Money
It's No Bitcoin: Facebook's Libra Currency Tied to Government Currencies
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, Thinkspot, BitChute and Brighteon. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.