The Truth Quest Podcast
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Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Once I stopped laughing after hearing that Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics, I immediately began connecting dots and exploring the lessons we can all learn from this occasion.
Warning: It is NOT pretty!
Show Notes
Truth Quest Podcast
Episode #27 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - An Intro
Episode #28 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - The Results
Episode #162 - The Truth About Nixon's Closure of the Gold Window
Episode #191 - The Truth About the Petrodollar
Episode #216 - The Truth About the Central Bank Digital Currency and a Cashless Society
Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "END THE FED" shirt inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of one of my books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble and BitChute.
Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.
Truth Social: @TruthQuestPodcastGETTR: @TruthQuest_PCTwitter: @apathyreignsTelegram

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Ep. 120 - The Truth About the Tenth Amendment
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
In this episode we examine the American experiment through the lens of the Tenth Amendment which Thomas Jefferson called the foundation of the Constitution.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
That means, the federal government is only authorized to do those few things that have been delegated to it. It is my contention that, if the federal government was still in its tiny, little sandbox created for it by the Constitution, this country would thrive. Unfortunately the federal leviathan has not only outgrown its sandbox but has taken over the entire yard, neighborhood, state, country!
The consequences of the overreach are largely unseen yet substantial. The corruption, the failure of one-size-fits-all policies, the influence peddling - all of it acts as a restraint on the American system of free markets, entrepreneurism, freedom and liberty. Instead we allow a handful of powerful people in D.C. and the media to divide us into a series of special interest groups who fight and bicker with each other. All the while the leviathan continues to grow and grow and grow with the only end in sight being the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the U.S. economy, which come to think of it, might have been the plan all along.
Show Notes
The Tenth Amendment Center
The 10th Amendment: An Introduction
Why the 10th Amendment Federalism as a Tool to Advance Liberty
The 10th Amendment Sovereignty of the People of the Several States
Historical Documents - United States Constitution: Thirty-Enumerated Powers
Podcast: The Tenth Amendment’s Original Intent
Truth Quest Podcast
Episodes #23 – The Truth About Nullification
Episodes #87 – The Truth About Secession – Parts I
Episodes #88 – The Truth About Secession – Parts II
Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt partially inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Ep. 110 - The Truth About How to Save America from Itself
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
If you asked 100 people if they think America is healthy culturally, financially, spiritually, educationally, racially, or constitutionally, I am willing to bet a large majority would respond in the negative.
America is broken and the only thing that can save it (from itself) is state secession.
In this episode I build the case for secession:
The reasons it is necessary
Why secession is good
Refute most of the common objections to secession
Address how it could be accomplished in the 21st century
Please comment below and help build the secession movement.
Show Notes
Ep. 3 - The Truth About the Constitution (Where in the Constitution)
Ep. 19 - The Truth About Elections and Washington, D.C.
Ep. 87 - The Truth About Secession - Part I
Ep. 88 - The Truth About Secession - Part II
Ep. 98 - The Truth About Abraham Lincoln - Part I
Ep. 99 - The Truth About Abraham Lincoln - Part II
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Ep. 95 - The Truth About the Coronavirus Crisis: Lessons Learned - Part II
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
In the last episode, we covered some of the lighter side issues like the importance of slowing down, enjoying our families, nature and the simple things in life. We also discussed the impact the crisis will have on future attendance at traditional four-year colleges and the continued failings of socialized medical systems.
Today we are going to look at this topic more from a public policy and economics’ perspective. We examine why the United States' federal government and all centralized political bodies are too big to succeed. In the shadow of the Coronavirus crisis, we look at the dramatic need for deregulation at all levels of government.
We end the episode with an examination of the crisis from a constitutional and economic angle: fiat currency, the importance of savings, and the stock market bubble pricked by the Coronavirus.
Show Notes:
Timeline: The Regulations—and Regulators—That Delayed Coronavirus Testing
U.S. Needs Billions of New Masks to Combat Coronavirus. Feds Say It'll Take Up To 90 Days to Approve New Mask-Making Facilities.
Critical Medical Supply Shortage: The Moment US Woke Up To Disaster Of Always Outsourcing To China
The 4 Key Reasons the U.S. Is So Behind on Coronavirus Testing
Small Regulatory Reforms That Can Help People During the COVID Pandemic
COVID-19 Exposes Americans' Financial Irresponsibility
Only One Way Out of the Coronavirus Crisis
Republicans Want You to Be Terrified of Ebola—So You'll Vote for Them
Daniel J. Mitchell:
Coronavirus and Big Government
Coronavirus and Big Government - Part II
Coronavirus and Big Government - Part III
Coronavirus Lessons from Europe
Truth Quest Podcast
Episode #3 - The Truth About the Constitution - Where in the Constitution
Episode #62 – The Truth About Gold and Sound Money
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Ep. 28 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - The Results
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
In the previous episode, #27 The Truth About the Federal Reserve – An Introduction, I laid the groundwork for this episode. So now that you know what the Fed is, why it was created and how it creates money, let’s look at the results of the last 100+ years since this monstrosity was created.
We will discuss the constitutionality of the Fed, how it creates inflation, its impact on savers and people on fixed incomes, malinvestment, bailouts, how it funds the welfare and warfare state, the gold standard, and I conclude the episode with a side-by-side comparison of the current monetary system dominated by the Fed with one without it.
Show Notes:
Creature from Jekyll Island, Edward Griffin
Numerous writings and podcast from the likes of Ron Paul, John Tamny, Tom Woods, and
ContraKrugman Episode 185 - Economist's Love Letter to the Fed
A Century of Failure: Why It's Time to Consider Replacing the Fed - Mises
Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "END THE FED" shirt inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books - Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available at Rumble, Thinkspot, Brighteon and on BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Friday Jul 20, 2018
Ep. 3 - The Truth About the Constitution - Where in the Constitution
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
In America we are living through a perpetual constitutional crisis. The heavy restrictions placed on the federal government by the United States Constitution have been largely ignored for most of the country's history. We have experienced both small and incremental steps in the power and growth of the federal government (federal agencies, bureaucracies and regulations) as well as large and unprecedented leaps (the Alien and Sedition Acts, the internment of Japanese, The Patriot Act, and NSA spying).
In this episode I hope to influence the way you look at the federal government going forward - through the eyes of the Founding Fathers.
As mentioned in previous episodes, questions are powerful methods of persuasion especially when you require skeptics to answer them. In Episode 2, I posed the question "WHAT ABOUT THE BABY?" Today I will pose the question, "WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION?" This is a question I hope you ask every time you evaluate the actions of our elected and unelected officials in Washington, D.C.
Show Notes:
Founders Constitution - University of Chicago
Bridge of Spies Movie Clip - What makes us American?
The Perversion of the Presidency - Tenth Amendment Center blog post
Tenth Amendment Center Publishes Episode #3
Economic Liberty and the Constitution - Daniel J. Mitchell
The First Question We Should Always Ask - Is this authorized by the constitution?
-----------------------------------------Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books - Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Thinkspot, Rumble, Brighteon and on BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.