The Truth Quest Podcast

Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Ep. 164 - The Truth About August 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
When the month started, I assumed the big story would be Covid - the vaccine, talk of vaccine passports, mask mandates and the continued bullying, harassment and discrimination against the unvaccinated (the subject of Episode 163). Instead, Resident Biden purposely created one of the most disgraceful and unforgivable scenes in American history in Afghanistan.
I also discuss a story (one that you are likely unaware of) that will have a more significant impact on your life in the long run than either Covid or Afghanistan - it has to do with Russia and Saudi Arabia.
Show Notes
Episode #29 - The Truth About Vaping
Episode #163 - The Truth About the Unvaccinated
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of one of my books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute and Brighteon. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Monday May 25, 2020
Ep. 100 - The Truth About the First 100 Episodes
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
We covered a lot of ground in the first 100 episodes - the Constitution, economics, abortion, social issues, healthcare, socialism and Christian apologetics to name a few. In this episode, I take a brief look at some of the myths we busted and review lessons learned.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Ep. 29 - The Truth About Vaping
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
I recently watched a John Stossel report on Reason TV that caught my attention. It was essentially a defense of the e-cigarette industry. Prior to seeing that report, my general perception of e-cigarettes and vaping was negative. It wasn’t based on anything tangible, just a compilation of whatever news coverage I had consumed up to that point.
With Stossel’s gentle prodding, I read up on e-cigarettes and I started seeing some recurring themes that we often discuss on the Truth Quest Podcast – namely unconstitutional federal government involvement in the free markets and media bias. I had to get to the bottom of the smear campaign against e-cigarettes and vaping. Tune in to see what I found.
Show Notes:
John Stossel - Reason TV - The Government's Dumb War on Vaping
Prager University - What's Wrong with E-Cigarettes? - The Government's Crusade Against E-Cigarettes and Vaping Undermines Public Health
AEI - Vapers Wary of FDA Deeming Rules
Orange County Register - Why Banning Vaping Products Hurts Public Health
CDC - Youth Tobacco Use
Royal College of Physicians - Nicotine Without Smoke: Tobacco Harm Reduction - E-Cigarettes: An Evidence Update
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books - Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available at Rumble, Thinkspot, BitChute and Brighteon. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.