The Truth Quest Podcast

Sunday May 10, 2020
Ep. 98 - The Truth About Abraham Lincoln - Part I
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
When you think of Abe Lincoln what do you think? "Honest Abe?" A great orator? The Gettysburg Address? The five dollar bill? Mount Rushmore? He saved America? His assassination by John Wilkes Booth? His Zeus-like monument in Washington, D.C. He always ranks at or near the top of every list of “the greatest Presidents.”
But what is the truth about Abraham Lincoln?
Show Notes
The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and and Unnecessary War, Thomas DiLorenzo
Brion McClannahan - Episode #163 - Lincoln and Trump
Was the Civil War Necessary
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Ep. 88 - The Truth About Secession - Part II
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
In Episode #87, I introduced you to the concept of secession. We reviewed current and past secession movements and offered three reasons it is necessary AND good - decentralization, self-determination and competition. In this episode, I discuss the fourth reason secession is desirable - the idea that smaller is better. After that, we will discuss how secession is justified and dispel the most common objections to the concept of secession.
Show Notes:
American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup, F.H. Buckley
Mises Institute:
Secession in Virginia Woudl Defuse State's Conflict Over Guns
Why Governments Hate Secession
Three Reason Why More Secession Means More Freedom
Why Rothbard Wanted Radical Decentralization
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Natural Law vs. Tyranny
Left and Right Many are Turning Toward De facto Secession and That's not a Bad Thing
Tom Woods Podcast:
Ep. 52 - Secede!
Ep. 82 - Walter Williams on Nullification, Secession, and More
Ep. 196 - Secession, the South, and the Modern State Donald Livingstone
Ep. 261 – Progressive Case for Secession
Ep. 326 – What Tom Told the Washington Post about Secession
Ep. 796 – Secession is moronic
Ep. 1332 – Should Libertarians Support Secession?
Ep. 1565 – Decentralization and Secession: Jeff Deist on the Only Way Forward
Ep. 1575 – American Secession: Potential of National Breakup?
The Brion McClanhan Show:
Episode 169 – Secession and Reconciliation
Episode 293 – How Would Secession Work?
Secession is for Morons
Secession is a Solution for Deep Political Division
Ron Paul: Thoughts on Secession
Credit Suisse: The Success of Small Countries
Greater Idaho Conservatives Oregon want 22 Rural Counties Secede and Become Part Idaho
Truth Quest Podcast:
Episode #19 - The Truth About Elections and Washington, D.C.
Episode #23 - The Truth About Nullification
Episode #87 - The Truth About Secession - Part I
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Ep. 87 - The Truth About Secession - Part I
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
The “S” word - secession - seems to be brought up with more and more frequency lately. Most recently we have seen counties in rural Virginia exploring the possibility of seceding from the state and joining West Virginia. We are seeing similar movements in Northern California and rural counties in Oregon. While those are wonderful developments, the larger question regarding secession is the idea of entire states seceding from the United States and essentially establish their own nation.
The idea of state secession picks up steam with every passing year as the federal government - the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches AND the federal bureaucracy - continues to enlarge its power base well beyond its enumerated powers in the Constitution.
In this episode, I will introduce you to the concept of secession, discuss some of the current and past secession movements and walk you through three reasons why secession is not only desirable but necessary. In Episode #88 we will discuss how secession is justified and rebut most of the arguments against it.
Show Notes:
American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup, F.H. Buckley
Mises Institute:
Secession in Virginia Would Defuse State's Conflict Over Guns
Why Governments Hate Secession
Three Reason Why More Secession Means More Freedom
Why Rothbard Wanted Radical Decentralization
Tom Woods Podcast:
Ep. 52 - Secede!
Ep. 82 - Walter Williams on Nullification, Secession, and More
Ep. 196 - Secession, the South, and the Modern State Donald Livingstone
Ep. 261 – Progressive Case for Secession
Ep. 326 – What Tom Told the Washington Post about Secession
Ep. 796 – Secession is moronic
Ep. 1332 – Should Libertarians Support Secession?
Ep. 1565 – Decentralization and Secession: Jeff Deist on the Only Way Forward
Ep. 1575 – American Secession: Potential of National Breakup?
The Brion McClanhan Show:
Episode 169 – Secession and Reconciliation
Episode 293 – How Would Secession Work?
Secession is for Morons
Secession is a Solution for Deep Political Division
Ron Paul: Thoughts on Secession
Credit Suisse: The Success of Small Countries
Greater Idaho Conservatives Oregon want 22 Rural Counties Secede and Become Part Idaho
Truth Quest Podcast:
Episode #19 - The Truth About Elections and Washington, D.C.
Episode #23 - The Truth About Nullification
Episode #88 - The Truth About Secession - Part II
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Ep. 19 - The Truth About Elections and Washington D.C.
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Do you ever question the amount of time and energy spent fretting about the politics coming out of Washington D.C.? The Founding Fathers never thought that the average American would spend much time pondering the goings-on in D.C. After all, the federal government's power was constitutionally restricted. In this brief episode, I suggest an alternative to our seemingly unending focus on all things D.C.
Show Notes:
Washington D.C. is Beyond Reform, Focus on Your State
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books - Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
This episode is available on Thinkspot, Brighteon, BitChute and Rumble. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.