The Truth Quest Podcast
electoral college

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Ep. 120 - The Truth About the Tenth Amendment
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
In this episode we examine the American experiment through the lens of the Tenth Amendment which Thomas Jefferson called the foundation of the Constitution.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
That means, the federal government is only authorized to do those few things that have been delegated to it. It is my contention that, if the federal government was still in its tiny, little sandbox created for it by the Constitution, this country would thrive. Unfortunately the federal leviathan has not only outgrown its sandbox but has taken over the entire yard, neighborhood, state, country!
The consequences of the overreach are largely unseen yet substantial. The corruption, the failure of one-size-fits-all policies, the influence peddling - all of it acts as a restraint on the American system of free markets, entrepreneurism, freedom and liberty. Instead we allow a handful of powerful people in D.C. and the media to divide us into a series of special interest groups who fight and bicker with each other. All the while the leviathan continues to grow and grow and grow with the only end in sight being the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the U.S. economy, which come to think of it, might have been the plan all along.
Show Notes
The Tenth Amendment Center
The 10th Amendment: An Introduction
Why the 10th Amendment Federalism as a Tool to Advance Liberty
The 10th Amendment Sovereignty of the People of the Several States
Historical Documents - United States Constitution: Thirty-Enumerated Powers
Podcast: The Tenth Amendment’s Original Intent
Truth Quest Podcast
Episodes #23 – The Truth About Nullification
Episodes #87 – The Truth About Secession – Parts I
Episodes #88 – The Truth About Secession – Parts II
Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt partially inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Friday Sep 25, 2020
Ep. 114 - The Truth About Semantically Overloaded Political Sloganeering
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Have you seen the latest virtue-signaling craze? The yard sign that reads: “In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter; No Human is Illegal; Love is Love; Women’s Rights Are Human Rights; Science is Real; Water is Life; Injustice Anywhere Is a Threat to Justice Everywhere."
In this episode we unpack this type of semantically overloaded political sloganeering and ask quite a few relevant questions.
Show Notes
Episode #2 – The Truth About Abortion – What about the Baby?
Episode #7 – The Truth About Climate Change - Part I
Episode #33 – The Truth About Abortion – Part II - Mental Gymnastics
Episode #46 – The Truth About Roe v. Wade - Sick and Twisted
Episode #47 – The Truth About Roe v. Wade - What They Don't Tell You
Episode #86 – The Truth About the Abortion Debate
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Ep. 110 - The Truth About How to Save America from Itself
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
If you asked 100 people if they think America is healthy culturally, financially, spiritually, educationally, racially, or constitutionally, I am willing to bet a large majority would respond in the negative.
America is broken and the only thing that can save it (from itself) is state secession.
In this episode I build the case for secession:
The reasons it is necessary
Why secession is good
Refute most of the common objections to secession
Address how it could be accomplished in the 21st century
Please comment below and help build the secession movement.
Show Notes
Ep. 3 - The Truth About the Constitution (Where in the Constitution)
Ep. 19 - The Truth About Elections and Washington, D.C.
Ep. 87 - The Truth About Secession - Part I
Ep. 88 - The Truth About Secession - Part II
Ep. 98 - The Truth About Abraham Lincoln - Part I
Ep. 99 - The Truth About Abraham Lincoln - Part II
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Monday May 25, 2020
Ep. 100 - The Truth About the First 100 Episodes
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
We covered a lot of ground in the first 100 episodes - the Constitution, economics, abortion, social issues, healthcare, socialism and Christian apologetics to name a few. In this episode, I take a brief look at some of the myths we busted and review lessons learned.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Ep. 80 - The Truth About Democracies
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Is it just me or is anyone else bothered when you hear politicians and talking heads refer to America as democracy? The “D-word” is thrown around so often by so many that I don’t think many people bat an eye when they hear it.
What is the truth about democracy in America?
Show Notes
Rumble | BitChute | Brighteon | Thinkspot | Instagram | Truth Social | GETTR | Twitter | GAB
A Republic If You Can Keep It
Why Americas Founders Didn't Want a Democracy
Why It Matters That the United States is Supposed to be a Republic Not a Democracy
Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory.
Including the shirt inspired by this episode "The U.S. is NOT a democracy!"
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be well-equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of one of my books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Ep. 50 - The Truth About Party Over Principles
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
It bothers me immensely when politicians and talking heads propose intellectually lazy and dishonest policies that they know will do more harm than good. Then your friends, family and the faceless, and often nameless, folks on social media jump on the bandwagon. Their prescriptions are not based on principles (or so I thought) rather, they appear to be based on party (or group think).
I am no longer willing to cut these folks any slack because they can easily spend a few minutes on an Internet search and read multiple sides of any argument or policy. They can easily spend a few minutes trying to determine what the truth is.
Why then does this phenomenon exist? Why do those who subscribe to this form of public policy advocacy resort to low-ball tactics when it comes to the treatment of their ideological foes? You know: name-calling, violence, vilification, shutting down the speech of dissenters, mocking, de-platforming, boycotting, and censorship!
After much reflection and study, I believe these people are, indeed, principle-driven. That principle is winning - - - winning at all costs. Nothing else explains this behavior.
Show Notes:
William Watkins – The New Absolutes
Pritical Thinking - Amazon
Pritical Thinking - eBooks
Michael Malice - The New Right
Truth Quest Podcast Episodes:
Episode #4 - The Truth About Minimum Wage
Episode #7 -The Truth About Climate Change
Episode #31 - The Truth About Socialism - Part I
Episode #32 - The Truth About Socialism - Part II
Episode #33 - The Truth About Abortion - Mental Gymnastics
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, Thinkspot and on BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Sunday May 19, 2019
Ep. 45 - The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part III
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
In the last two episodes, I introduced or re-introduced you to The Federalist Papers and discussed some of the checks and balances in the Constitution - the legislative and executive branches of government. Today we are going to discuss, as Paul Harvey used to say, “The rest of the story!” – the Judicial branch, States Rights, taxation, the military, and a brief look at the Necessary and Proper and Supremacy clauses of the Constitution.
Show Notes:
Tenth Amendment Center publishes episode.
The Federalist Papers
The Original Argument, Glenn Beck
National Association of State Budget Officers
Truth Quest Podcast Episodes:
Episode #3 – The Truth About the Constitution
Episode #16 - The Truth About the Supreme Court
Episode #23 - The Truth About Nullification
Episode #37 - The Truth About the Bill of Rights
-----------------------------------------Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt partially inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, Thinkspot and BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Sunday May 12, 2019
Ep. 44 - The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part II
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
In Episode 43, The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part I, I introduced (or re-introduced) you to the Federalist Papers. We discussed why the founders thought it was necessary to create a new document rather than amend the Articles of Confederation. In this episode, we look at two of the three branches of government created by this new Constitution - the legislative and executive branches.
Along the way we have uncovered the progressive tearing down of the constitutional republic the founders bequeathed us.
Show Notes:
Tenth Amendment Center publishes episode.
The Federalist Papers
The Original Argument, Glenn Beck
Truth Quest Episode #34 - The Truth About the Electoral College
-----------------------------------------Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt partially inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble Thinkspot and on BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Sunday May 05, 2019
Ep. 43 - The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part I
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
The Federalist Papers were written and published in New York newspapers in 1787-1788 in order to sway public opinion to approve and ratify the newly devised United States Constitution. The essays were written by three prominent members of the founding generation - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
I consider these essays the user’s guide for the Constitution and, therefore, deserve at least a perfunctory understanding. Short of reading the debates from the constitutional convention and the state ratification debates, the Federalist Papers provide some of the best insights into the United States Constitution.
In this episode, we will cover 25-26 essays - those covering the topics of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the arguments for a stronger centralized government and the system of checks and balances devised by the Constitution. In the next episode we will cover the Executive and Legislative branches followed by an episode that covers everything else - the judiciary, taxation, states’ rights and a few important miscellaneous musings.
Show Notes:
Tenth Amendment Center publishes episode.
The Tenth Amendment Center Archives
The Federalist Papers
The Original Argument, Glenn Beck
Tom Woods Show - Episode 411 - Hillsdale Colleges Federalist Papers Course - Error and Propaganda
Hillsdale College Federalist Papers Course
Truth Quest Podcast Episodes:
Episode #3 – The Truth About the Constitution
Episode #16 - The Truth About the Supreme Court
Episode #26 - The Truth About the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Episode #34 - The Truth About the Electoral College
Episode #37 - The Truth About the Bill of Rights
-----------------------------------------Grab your Truth Quest Merchandise at The Truth Quest Shirt Factory:
With each shirt design there will be an explanation of what to expect from those inquisitive or brave enough to ask you about it. In most cases there are links to podcast episodes that will further deepen your understanding of the importance of each phrase.
We hope you take the challenge of wearing these shirts in public and to family gatherings. Don't worry! You will be equipped with the rhetorical tools to engage in conversation and/or debate.
Good luck! And thanks for supporting the Truth Quest Podcast!
Check out the "Few and defined; Numerous and indefinite" shirt partially inspired by this episode.
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books, Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, Thinkspot, and BitChute. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.

Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Ep. 34 - The Truth About the Electoral College
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
The call for the elimination of the Electoral College by liberals, progressives and Democrats continues to swell. After all, they rationalize, Bush got less votes than Gore and Trump got less votes than Clinton so why should they be President? Fortunately for the rest of America, the Founding Fathers had enough foresight to include the Electoral College process in the Constitution to protect the country as a whole from the tyranny of the majority.
In this episode, I give a brief history lesson on the Electoral College and explain why the, now underway, National Popular Vote movement, with the goal of eliminating the Electoral College, is both dangerous to the country and, of course, unconstitutional.
Show Notes:
The Effort to Abandon the Electoral College Gains Steam
PragerU - Video 1
PragerU - Video 2
PragerU - Video 3
Brion McClannahan Show - Episode #179
Beyond the Electoral College
The Electoral College is a Good Thing
Democrats Opposition to Electoral College Reveals Their Distaste for Democracy
Gallup Poll 2016 - Americans Support for Electoral College Rises Sharply
The Electoral College: What is it and Why it Matters - Michael Maharrey
Hillsdale College
Dialogues - The Electoral College
The Danger of the Attacks on the Electoral College
Federalist #68 - The Mode of Electing the President
The Truth Quest Podcast Patron Page
Join the conversation at The Truth Quest Facebook Fan Page
Order a copy of Shawn's books - Pritical Thinking, The Proverbs Project, The Termite Effect.
The video of this episode is available on Rumble, Thinkspot, BitChute and Brighteon. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.